Обведи правильный вариант. 1 A person ... a vegetarian if they don’t eat meat. A be В is C are 2 What time will you ...

leaving for the cinema? A be В is C are 3 You ... a teenager when you are aged thirteen to nineteen. A be В is C are 4 If you win the race, you will ... my hero. A be В is C are 5 She always ... when she watches romantic films. A cries В is crying C cried 6 You ... into trouble if you do that again. A get В gets C will get 7 Will you come to the party if you ... time? A have В are having C will have 8 He won’t fix the car unless you him. A pay В pays C are paying 9 There are always puddles in the street after it ... A rain В rains C will rain

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